-Puppey is the best�� most dedicated�� most consistent player he has ever played with. Arteezy said he has nothing but good things to say about him.
-He said that s4 plays amazingly when he is in a comfortable environment. In other words�� when cancerous players are around him�� he tilts just a little bit. Arteezy said s4 is a great teammate and that he deserves better than the Team Secret Drama.
S4���������е�����Ļ������ֱ�������ܣ���ԭ����S4 is a beast������������Ŷ����ж�������S4�ı��־ͻ�Ƚ�������RTZ��ΪS4Ӧ�����ڸ��õ��ŶӶ���������������ڧ��Χ��
-He said that Zai is one of the best players he has ever played with and he would love to be on a team with him again.
-His only beef was with Kuroky�� He said that he is prideful. During the final Secret game of TI he said he told Kuroky that Darkseer needed a support to guard him. He blamed himself partially for that dispute�� but at that point he was done.
-He said that the reason he was hesitant to do a "real talk" was because people wouldn't change their minds about him. They would think RTZ is just a young cocky teenager and Kuroky was calm and respectful all the time because that's how he behaves in interviews. "People think somebody is a saint and it's annoying. A lot of the blame is misguided."
���������¶��������ԥ�ģ���Ϊ���Ƕ�����һ��ӡ��������Ǹ��Դ���ܺ��ӣ���kuro�����й��ڳ��Ϻͷ�̸�ﶼ���ֵ��侲���������� ������quote��������ԭ�䡰����ִ��������ij�����Ǹ�ʥ�˵������۱�����dz��������ᡱ
-He said that his decision to leave EG was a mistake. He said it was prideful and unfair to his teammates�� He also said his previous complaints about them were so minor. Overall he regretted Team Secret. (mostly because of Kuroky)
��i could've tried harder...i could've tried to support s4 more�� tried to control my hate for kuro�� but i didn't�� i raged and probably contributed to secret's elimination��
���ո�һ��11������èӲ����ˢ���������췭�̣���˵puppy��K��Ҳ������ì�� ��even puppey realizes that there are problems with kuro now���� ���ǰ��ʱ��puppy��twitter�϶�kurokyȡ�ؿ���������¸������ȷʵ���������⡣
even if secret won ti�� i would still have left to play for eg. even if eg got last place�� which obviously wouldn't happen but...the whole decision to leave eg was selfish...it was because i didn't want to work out a problem. shit happens and you learn from it everyone thinks someone is a saint�� but they're not�� they form an impression based on how they appear online�� in streams or interviews. you can't make an impression like that�� you make one when you discuss something you're both passionate about" rtz says the finger pointing incident was him telling kuro that they had to stay together in lane he says he does like Kemal says he doesn't know where s4 will go and that he "wants to play support" "no matter what I do or say about my time in secret�� most people's impressions of me are already set. but i am not alone in what i say�� pretty much the whole team...
he said he didn't know anything about the aui kick except the fact of the matter�� because he wasn't a part of eg�� but then tells chat that they weren't part of the team either and can't judge "it's a lose-lose situation for me...because when people think about me they think cocky teenager�� but when they think about kuro they think humble...philosophical...professional...so all this real talk or whatever doesn't mean anything. puppey already talked to me about this stuff...i'm not sure if he wants to get into the drama but i'm sure he agrees with me
i didn't fire any shots at puppey...puppey is a boss. everyday he'd watch lots of replays and figure out the best way for us to play...a true boss...he doesn't fall into the mindset that most dota 1 pros do...he always tries to adapt to new metas...even when navi was a shitshow i'm sure he was the one holding it together...like i'm sure there was beef even before ti3 finals but puppey the BOSS held it together and never let his ego get to him